+27 (31) 303 2835 info@mabarchitects.co.za BBBEE: Level 1

Environmental • Health & Safety • Project Management Consultants

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Services Offered

MABi Architects takes pride in offering a personalised Architectural experience over a diverse range of building types throughout Southern Africa and in Mauritius. Innovative design solutions, lateral thinking, teamwork, personal attention to detail and ultimately client satisfaction remains our primary objective.

Professional Architectural, Interior Design, Environmental Consulting, Project Management and Development services are offered; all supported by sophisticated computer-aided design systems (CADD).


 Professional Affiliations


ISAA: Institute of South African Architects


KZ-NIA KwaZulu Natal Institute of Architects

Environmental Consulting

Through our sister company, Afzelia Environmental Consulting [Pty] Ltd, [Level 1 Contributor] we are also able to offer a full range of Environmental Consulting Services.